Anemone pulsatilla is a perennial herb that is best grown in fertile, humus soil. Plants need constant moisture in hot summer temperatures. Best performance is seen in cooler temperatures where plants can tolerate less humid conditions. Plants are best left undisturbed once established
Large pink-purple daisy flowers on long stems and narrow leaf, each with a prominent central cone. Use fresh or dried for flower arranging, or enjoy them in a mixed border where they will add height and attract beneficial pollinators to your garden. Extremely cold-hardy.
Large pink-purple daisy flowers on long stems, each with a prominent central cone. Use fresh or dried for flower arranging, or enjoy them in a mixed border where they will add height and attract beneficial pollinators to your garden. Extremely cold-hardy.
Red Clover is a short-lived perennial with tight, round clusters of small pinkish-red flowers. The flowers attract bees to the garden. Red clover grows best in full sun or light shade. Red clover is tolerant of frosts and will grow well on poor soils providing they are free-draining.
Shungiku (aka: edible chrysanthemum) A grassy and mildly bitter green vegetable, shungiku, or chrysanthemum greens are eaten raw or cooked in salads, soups, stews, and hot pot dishes. It has a distinctive aroma with high nutritional content.